Benefits of social media in the workplace


Benefits of social media in the workplace

Social media was created as a means of long-distance communication during 1997. With time it had evolved and taken its own course. Now, apart from communication social media are in use in creating and promoting businesses. Social media is a boon for the organization when used efficiently but with uncontrolled use, it can hamper the productivity of the employees.

The following list gives the benefits of social media in the workplace:

1. Improved communication among colleagues:

Improved communication among colleagues

The use of social media in the workplace helps in forming bonds among colleagues. But the same needs to be regulated with a fixed time for the use of social media services. Facebook and Instagram pages of the company can keep the employees updated about the events of the company. Moreover, with social media presence, the company brand becomes well known among the customers. Information related to the office can also be posted in the groups for knowledge of all.

Even the employers get to have the honest opinions of the employees regarding the services of the company and issues faced by them. As for the employees, this will give a sense of being heard and opinions valued.

2. Social media marketing:

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing uses social media platforms to connect with audiences and showcase their products. Special teams should be created to look after the social media handles and post updates on what’s new and the promotion of the company.

3. Increased efficiency:

Increased efficiency

With an increase in communication among colleagues, ideas begin to flow. Social media helps in sharing these ideas and also helps in adding value to the same. Interactions through social media groups make the review process much easier and manage time more productively. Thus, progress can be tracked in real-time. It also helps to work even when one is not at the office and thus crosses the barrier of space. A study by Warwick business school showed that social media makes workers more productive. Social media thus becomes a cheap but effective way to increase productivity in business. It also trains the employees in multitasking and getting more done in a small time span.

4. Recognition to an employee:

Employee Recognition

Social media groups can be used for posting achievements of the staff such as the best employee of the week, the outstanding idea of the month, etc. These small efforts show that the employees are valued by the company and it boosts the employee’s morale to work better. The other employees congratulate the winner and also get inspired to give their best and be the winner next time.

5. Helps new workers know about the company

Help workers know about the company

Social media helps new employees of the company to know about the work and projects going on in the company. Training programs may be organized on social media platforms for the newcomers and thus save material resources. Potential employees may also go to social media platforms and know the aims and objectives of the company. So workers must make sure that social media platforms portray what is expected by the employees.

6. Advertising

Social Media Advertising

Advertising is a costly affair, but the same may be achieved in a cost-effective manner by the use of social media platforms. Several companies are using their own social media handles to advertise. Employees may be encouraged to promote the company using their own profiles. This will give more visibility to the company and will make the brand well known. The same will save money on advertising.

7. Skill development

Skill Development

Social media platforms may be used for promoting skill development apps among employees. The company may partner with these training companies and provide a discount to the employees. These small steps will encourage the employees and in the long run, will benefit the company.
8. Employees get a break from a busy schedule

When working in a 9-5 job people become bored with the mundane duties and lose their productivity. In moments like this social media may come to the rescue and people can re-energize themselves. But these breaks should not be for long and should be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes.

9. Can be used a customer service point

Customer Service Point

Social media platforms can be used as a service point by interacting and discussing the problems faced by the customers over the comment. These can also be used for surveys of the products and services provided by the companies. Employees should be instructed to be available to address these issues regularly and ask for customer feedback after the session.


In spite of all the above-mentioned benefits of social media, there still continues to doubt among the employees regarding the use of social media in the workplace. Many claims that social media is distracting and might waste valuable time for the employees. Hacking of a company's social media handles is another concern of the company. Misuse of the social media handles of the company along with uploading irrelevant information on the company’s site may cause harm to the company’s reputation.

Social media in the 21st century has become an integral part of our lives. We are in no position to ban the use of social media in workplaces but what we can do is regulate its use for our own benefit. We should educate ourselves and our colleagues and employees to use social media responsibly. This will help us in improving ourselves along with updating ourselves with the recent technologies that are at work.