Manage Diversity In the Workplace


Manage Diversity In the Workplace

The world comprises different individuals who share a common workplace. In this modern world, the introduction of different kinds of people in the workplace has brought a great evolutionary change in the style of work and work environment. Now you will see no individuals in the workplace with the same kind of thoughts, instead, you will see a group of collectively different kinds of people working together to achieve a common goal. Achieving common goals in different ways can open new gateways of success. 

Where there are diverse forces, in the workplace, management plays an important role to keep them united for achieving success, may it be expanding of a business or customer satisfaction. Being aware of how to manage diversity and knowing the need to do so in the workplace is the first and foremost priority to any leader at work. A leader should be adaptable and flexible to try and adopt different approaches to manage a diverse workforce in the workplace.


Understanding Diversity In The Workplace

Diversity is defined as otherness or those human qualities that are different from our own and outside the groups to which we belong, yet present in other individuals and groups. 

Diversity is anything that makes a person different from one another. When people think of diversity, they may think first of ethnicity and race, and then gender; however, diversity is much broader than that. Diversity not only includes how individuals identify themselves but also how others perceive them. 

Diversities in the workplace may include Age, Gender, Race, Ethenic groups, Cognitive style, Background, Tenure, Nationality/ citizenship, Personalities, Religion, Disability, Sexual orientation. Political affiliation/ opinions, Educations, Interests, etc.


Challenges Faced In Managing Diversity At The Workplace

A leader definitely faces difficulties while managing a diverse workforce in the workplace. These difficulties could be either in the form of barriers or challenges or in the form of consequences. The consequences of not managing a diverse workforce in the workplace are the indulgence of organizational personnel in the interpersonal conflicts. This may reduce the time one should invest to grow a business. But a great leader is always aware of and appreciates the differences that exist among employees who come to work from different backgrounds. 


Barriers and the challenges faced by a leader while managing diversity in the workplace are as follows:


  1. There is always a lack of mentorship.
  2. The problem in accommodating ethnic and cultural differences.
  3. Communication barrier among employees with different backgrounds or differences in language. 
  4. Generational or age differences, creating differences in ideas and thought processes.
  5. A major problem for a leader is to identify and define the issue and come up with unique solutions.
  6. One of the barriers in managing diversity is lack of funding for a diverse workforce.
  7. Implementation of new rules and policies for managing diversity in the workplace.
  8. Acceptance and respectful employees and workforce in the workplace. 


Advantages Of Managing A Diverse Workforce


Now that you are aware of the challenges and consequences faced by a leader in managing a diverse workforce in the workplace, let us know the advantages of managing a diverse workforce in the workplace. Workers with diverse cultural backgrounds have unique experiences and perceptions which is a plus point to any company or an organization. A properly managed diverse workforce makes it possible to leverage the strengths of employees and complement their weaknesses.


There are also other benefits of managing diversity in the workplace which is as follows:


  1. Increase productivity
  2. Increases creativity
  3. Promotes innovation
  4. Increase in profits 
  5. Work together for customer satisfaction
  6. Improves employee engagement
  7. Reduce employee turnover
  8. Improves company reputation 
  9. Widen the range of skills a company can provide
  10. Improve cultural insights
  11. Improves and increases performance.
  12. Provides a variety of perspectives.


Strategies On Managing Diversity In The Workplace


1. Understand the concept of managing diversity

Many of the businessmen find it difficult to understand the concept of diversity and go on with the old method of making money with the same ideas without implementing any change. This way the business does not go far enough and entrepreneurs face hardship. Once they understand the importance of diversity and how to manage it in the workplace then it makes it easier for their growth and success.

2.  Willingness to challenge and change

the practices that create a barrier to a diverse workforce. Every time practicing the old and traditional methods for success won’t work out that much as the new ideas and practices can do. Making changes in the hiring and onboarding processes in favor of a diverse workforce is a major change one can do. Don’t be resistant to any kind of change. 

3.  Self-awareness

of knowing one's own culture and identity. A company should also know the unconscious biases and stereotypes, etc., which occurs to discourage an employee and lowers their performance. A company should be aware of whether the employees are getting the policies implemented and enjoying their rights or not.

4.  Encourage interactions

and allow employees to work with diverse groups. Encouraging interactions among the colleagues as well as public interactions for better output and growth. Spot the problems and overcome them together also helps in making sense of togetherness.

5.  Make communication

an utmost important priority among colleagues and in between employer and employees. Facilitate effective communications. There shouldn’t be any communication gaps among the colleagues.

6.  Implement effective policies and practices

in favor of a diverse workforce in the workplace. Take efforts, conscious steps, and initiatives to understand one another and to also respect other colleagues. Regular amendment in rules and policies of the organizations. Imply a zero-tolerance policy.

7. Treat every employee as an individual

 While encouraging a diverse workforce in the workplace, it is very important that a leader knows each employee personally and comes up with unique solutions for each employee separately. This will definitely lead to a successful business.

8.  Try to keep the work environment positive

 Encouraging each employee with positive energy is very important for the growth and success of a company or an organization. No one is willing to work in a negative environment as it demotivates and discourages the work of the employee. A positive environment in the workplace increases the output of the company and also customer satisfaction from the employees.

9.  Include diversity in the performance report

It is more important to track the record of how a diverse workforce is performing in a company and how it is affecting the company. If it is going well the company can afford more diversity in the workplace but if something is wrong with the diverse workforce then the company needs to take serious action in managing diversity in the workplace.

10. Create a common goal among the diverse workforce

 It is a super successful idea of making a common goal for a diverse workforce as different people may approach with different and innovative ideas to achieve their goal. This will definitely lead to a successful business and growth of the company.

11. Introducing sensitivity training   

for a diverse workforce is very important. Providing and utilizing sensitive and flexible diversity training will not only help employees to deal with critical situations but also for the company’s overall development. 

12. Use diversity as a key tool for success-

A diverse workforce helps in handling customers successfully. Employing local people will be a benefit as they know what the people actually need, being among them they know better what kind of changes can attract more customers. By not neglecting the problems arising from a diverse workforce, and managing each employee properly, a diverse workforce will definitely lead to the success of the company. 

13.  Be open-minded-

Built-up an attitude of openness for the exchange of thoughts and ideas as well as a sense of equality.

14. Identify owns and others venerability

 Keep supporting each other and embrace them all together. Practice the act of appreciating everyone’s contributions.

15. Take surveys and reports

Always take surveys and reports of employee satisfaction. Never reject any feedback from any employee and always appreciate it. 


Extra Tips and Tricks For Diversity Management


  1. Have a sense of empathy and concern for others in difficult situations
  2. Treat each employee as an individual
  3. Set English as a common language for communication to remove language barriers
  4. Include humor and entertainment in the workplace
  5. Make diversity as a part of your hiring process
  6. Establish diverse mentorship
  7. Evaluate and check your executive team 
  8. Acknowledge and honor multiple religious and cultural practices
  9. Practice, practice, and practice the skills required to manage diversity in the workplace
  10. Always have a sense of gratitude in you for others
  11. Focus on the inclusions of the best methodology to manage diversity in the workplace
  12. Try to provide a bias-free work environment




Managing diversity is not only the responsibility of a leader but also of individual employees. Each one should take responsibility for comforting their colleagues, but the initiative is always taken by the leaders.  


It is easy and simple to create and build a diverse workforce in the workplace but very challenging to manage diversity in the workplace. But once you get all the skills and techniques to manage diversity in the workplace then the company or the organization will be in the path of success.


Good management of diversity in the workplace requires a lot of practice and a positive attitude towards togetherness as well as for the success of your business. Any organization progresses and succeeds only by making mistakes and correcting them from time to time. There is no perfect solution, only a perfect mind to cooperate and respect each other’s opinions.